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This is the home page of RSK Terneuzen.

RSK Terneuzen is an independantly operating branch with five emloyees, two of them being permanently employed by DOW Chemicals. We have two service vehicels available for mobile services but the majority of the activities are in Terneuzen. RSK has a workshop on the site of Indaver (cleaning and waste disposal) where railcars come in ervery day.

RSK Terneuzen covers the provence of Zeeland and the west side of Belgium (harbours of Vlissingen, Gent and Zeebrugge within an hours drive). Specialism is repair and revision of containers in all shapes and sizes.

Team TnzTeam Terneuzen

You can choose from services on the right side or contact the home office in Bergen op Zoom by phone on number +31(0) 164 210 127 or email on

Contact for Terneuzen is Luc Fokkens.




Mobile Service

Container Service


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